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Posted Sat Feb 6 2010: from Canwest News Service:
Arctic melting to cost $2.4 trillion U.S. by 2050: Study
IQALUIT — The global cost of Arctic melting could reach $2.4 trillion U.S. by 2050 if current warming trends continue, according to a study released Friday. "The cumulative cost of the melting Arctic in the next 40 years is equivalent to the annual gross domestic products of Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom combined," according to the authors of the study prepared for the Pew Environment Group... The study notes that the Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet. According to the findings, Arctic melting this year alone will be "equal to 40 per cent of all U.S. industrial emission this year or (similar to) bringing on line more than 500 large coal-burning power plants"...
[Read more stories about: arctic meltdown, ecosystem interrelationships, faster than expected, global warming]

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'Doc Michael says:
You mean we can spend our way out of this?

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