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Posted Tue Feb 10 2009: from Guardian (UK):
Tories propose 'biocredits' to put cash value on damage to habitats and species
Under radical new Conservative proposals to stop biodiversity loss in the UK, all would be given a cash value. The scheme is designed to halt the decline of hundreds of habitats and species by assigning a cost to be paid by proposed development schemes that would lead to their destruction. The damage done by a project would be given a cash value and developers asked to compensate for that damage by investing an equivalent amount in projects to protect or improve biodiversity at another location. The plan being put forward by the new Conservative shadow environment secretary, Nick Herbert, is modelled on similar "bio-credits" initiatives, including in the US, Malaysia and Australia, which have created markets in biodiversity worth tens of millions of pounds a year.
[Read more stories about: bioremediation, ecosystem interrelationships, species restoration, smart policy]

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Curmudgeon says: "Great! When all those critters are gone forever, we can eat money!"

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'Doc Michael says:
We need some science going on, to figure out what critters have value. Like, are humans really necessary to biodiversity?

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