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Posted Wed Aug 11 2010: from New York Times:
By Messing With Texas Air Pollution Permits, EPA Unleashes Power Struggle
After simmering behind closed doors for more than 15 years, a disagreement between U.S. EPA and Texas environmental officials over air pollution permits has boiled over in a big way...During the George W. Bush and Clinton administrations, EPA routinely missed its 18-month deadline for making decisions on Texas' permitting programs. Meanwhile, experts say, TCEQ kept issuing permits without federal approval and Texas businesses kept applying for them, assuming that no complaints from EPA meant that everything was fine. To this day, there are about 30 Texas permitting programs in legal limbo, many of them more than a decade old. With EPA required by a court settlement to make yes-or-no decisions on all of them by 2012, experts say the current dispute could be just the beginning of a protracted legal battle to determine where state authority ends and federal oversight begins.
[Read more stories about: airborne pollutants, climate impacts, short-term thinking, smart policy]

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'Doc Michael says:
Keep your guvment mitts off our shitty air.

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