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Posted Sun May 3 2009: from New York Times:
As Bats Die, Closing Caves to Control a Fungus
The federal Forest Service is preparing to close thousands of caves and former mines in national forests in 33 states in an effort to control a fungus that has already killed an estimated 500,000 bats. A Forest Service biologist, Becky Ewing, said an emergency order was issued last week for caves in 20 states from Minnesota to Maine. A second order covering the Forest Service’s 13-state Southern region should be issued this month. The sites will be closed for up to a year, Ms. Ewing said.... Bats play a important role in keeping insects like mosquitoes under control. Bats eat from April to October, usually consuming their body weight in bugs each night. Ms. Ewing said the loss of 500,000 bats meant 2.4 million pounds of bugs not eaten in a year.
[Read more stories about: white nose syndrome, koyaanisqatsi]

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'Doc Michael says:
I'm afraid this is closing the bat-barn doors after the bat-cows have fled.

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