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Posted Wed May 25 2011: from Scientific American:
Fatal Bat Disease Confirmed in All New England with Maine Find
White nose syndrome, a devastating disease that has killed more than one million bats in the Northeast, has been found in Maine, the last New England state to discover it, wildlife officials said on Tuesday. Diminishing populations of bats, an important predator of insects, could have harmful consequences for humans, experts say. Bats at two sites in Maine's Oxford County that displayed signs of a fungal pathogen linked with white nose syndrome tested positive for the disease, said scientists with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Until this year, Maine appeared insulated from white nose, although nearby states and Canada were not.... Oklahoma is the furthest west the fungal pathogen Geomyces destructans linked with white nose has been detected, while full-blown white nose has gone as far west as Kentucky and Tennessee.... In some Northeast caves, 90 to 100 percent of populations have died.
[Read more stories about: weakened immunity, white nose syndrome]

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'Doc Jim says:
The batastrophe continues.

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