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Posted Mon Apr 4 2011: from Guardian:
Why the UN can never stop climate change
On Sunday in Thailand diplomats opened another round of formal United Nations talks on global warming. For more than 20 years, the UN has been working on this problem, with little progress. Expectations have never been lower. The December 2009 conference in Copenhagen that was supposed to finalise a new treaty to replace the expiring Kyoto protocol ended in deadlock. Last year's talks in Cancun ended without agreement on most of the important new issues. Some of the troubles with global warming diplomacy are unavoidable. Stopping climate change is one of the hardest challenges the international community has undertaken. The main cause of climate change, emissions of carbon dioxide, is intrinsic to the burning of fossil fuels that power the world economy. Even in the best of circumstances, getting off carbon will take decades and trillions of dollars. The world economic crisis makes that even harder as few societies choose to spend money on distant problems when they face more immediate challenges such as unemployment and poverty.... More progress will come from shifting efforts on three fronts. First, while the UN talks should not be abandoned, most diplomacy should shift to smaller forums which engage just the largest countries. In fact, 10 countries (treating the EU as one) account for nearly four-fifths of all warming emissions.... Second, talks need to shift focus to what is really achievable.... Third, talks must shift from focusing exclusively on controlling emissions to dealing with the reality that lots of climate change is inevitable....
[Read more stories about: stupid humans, governmental idiocy, lived experience]

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'Doc Michael says:
So if the UN, US, EU, and others can't, it sorta leaves up to you 'n' me, dunnit?

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