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Posted Sat Sep 11 2010: from USDA, via EurekAlert:
Triclosan eventually biodegrades
A study by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and cooperators provides new details about how fertilizing soils with biosolids also introduces triclosan--an antibacterial agent in soaps and other cleaning supplies--into the environment. Farmers add "Class B" biosolids, also known as treated wastewater solids, to their fields as a fertilizer.... The scientists determined that triclosan levels in Class B biosolids from a Mid-Atlantic wastewater treatment plant averaged around 15.5 milligrams per kilogram. They then collected surface soil samples from 26 farms in northern Virginia, mostly from pastures. Some fields had never been amended with biosolids and others had been amended with from one to four applications... The results also suggested biological degradation of triclosans in the soils that had been amended with biosolids resulted in the loss of 78 percent of the triclosan after 7 to 9 months, and that up to 96 percent was removed after 16 months.
[Read more stories about: antibiotic resistance, fertilizer runoff]

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'Doc Michael says:
You mean I can still be glad I used Dial?!

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