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Posted Thu Mar 11 2010: from SolveClimate:
New Approach to Farming Could Help Solve Climate, Economic Crises
Discussions of climate change keep running head-long into a barrier: China, India, Brazil and the other countries of the global South need to develop. No leader of an underdeveloped country will ever agree to a climate change proposal that will take away that country's right to develop.... Meanwhile, first-world leaders, mired in economic crisis, can't make the long-run infrastructural investments that would enable them to take the technological lead in a low-carbon transformation -- let alone make the technology transfers or capital grants that are a moral and political imperative. But there's a partial way out of the crisis, or what the New Economics Foundation (NEF) has christened the "triple crunch," the intertwined crisis of climate crisis, systemic economic malaise, and oil depletion. The NEF argues that we need a new Green New Deal, culminating in a "great transition" to a new way of structuring production and consumption so as to re-create an ecology in homeostasis -- a sustainable economy, one that doesn't draw down impossible-to-renew natural resources. Food and agriculture will be central to such a transition...
[Read more stories about: alternative energy, bioremediation, low-energy future, smart policy, sustainability]

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'Doc Michael says:
As long as I don't have to get my hands dirty.
"And can maintain everything like it is."...

In truth, "The Great Transition" will be required, and we'll all have to get our hands dirty, change how we eat, change how we travel, change how we work together. But change is gonna come one way or another. Let's not have it forced upon us.

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