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Posted Mon Oct 12 2009: from Times Online:
Man-made noise is blamed for driving whales to their deaths
Scientists are blaming not just military sonar, but a large range of man-made noises that they fear are driving the normally deep-water animals to shore.... The noise of oil exploration (which uses loud underwater explosions to help geologists search for undiscovered reserves), wind farm construction and shipping are all possible culprits. "It seems military sonar caused the mass beaching of dolphins we saw in Cornwall last year, but this is different," said Dr Simmonds.... Fish farms use 'Acoustic Harassment Devices' in an effort to dissuade seals from looting from their nets. While designed to be used intermittently, it appears that at least some fish farms leave theirs running continually. "It's an awful siren sound -- very, very loud."
[Read more stories about: marine mammals, anthropogenic change]
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'Doc Michael says:
Aren't the whales smart enough to just ignore us?

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