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Posted Mon Mar 9 2009: from New York Times:
Skeptics Dispute Climate Worries and Each Other
More than 600 self-professed climate skeptics are meeting in a Times Square hotel this week to challenge what has become a broad scientific and political consensus: that without big changes in energy choices, humans will dangerously heat up the planet.... Organizers say the discussions, which began Sunday, are intended to counter the Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers, who have vowed to tackle global warming with legislation requiring cuts in the greenhouse gases that scientists have linked to rising temperatures. But two years after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded with near certainty that most of the recent warming was a result of human influences, global warming�s skeptics are showing signs of internal rifts and weakening support.
[Read more stories about: stupid humans, global warming, deniers]
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Lulu says: "Oh yeah, and Loch Ness monster search support group, too."
Fred says: "Not to mention the creationists."
Mathminor says: "Heck, Vaclav Klaus says it's a bunch of hooey. Why dispute the man who turned Vaclav Havel's vision into crony capitalism?"

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This conference is brought to you by those fine folks at The Flat Earth Society.

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