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Posted Fri Jul 3 2009: from New Scientist:
Money flows into green transport despite recession
A new generation of mean, green electric machines is shifting attitudes to the electric car. Most large automobile companies are pouring money into electric vehicle programmes, and a new report shows venture capitalists are hot on their heels. Despite the financial recession, venture capital investment in green technology rose, for the first time in six months, during the second quarter of 2009 -- and the biggest winner was transport-related technology, according to the report, issued this week by the Cleantech Group and Deloitte. The problems faced by the traditional automobile industry, particularly companies in the US, are well documented. But for many investors, now is an "historic opportunity" to take a chunk of the market themselves by supporting new clean transportation options, says Brian Fan, senior director of research at Cleantech.
[Read more stories about: technological innovation, alternative energy]

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'Doc Michael says:
Self-interest, greed, and the profit motive got us into this mess. Can it get us out?

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